Monday 1 May 2023


Dom Prosper Gueranger:
Ever since our entrance upon the joys of the Paschal Season, scarcely a day has passed without the Calendar’s offering us some grand mystery or saint to honour, and all these have been radiant with the Easter sun. But of our Blessed Lady, there has not been a single feast to gladden our hearts by telling us of some mystery or glory of this august Queen. The Feast of her Seven Dolours is sometimes kept in April — that is, when Easter Sunday falls on or after the tenth of that month, but May and June pass without any special solemnity in honour of the Mother of God. It would seem as though Holy Church wished to honour, by a respectful silence, the forty days during which Mary enjoyed the company of her Jesus after His Resurrection. We, therefore, should never separate the Mother and the Son if we would have our Easter meditations be in strict accordance with truth, and that, we surely must wish. During these forty days, Jesus frequently visits His disciples, weak men and sinners as they are: can he, then, keep away from His Mother, now that He is so soon to ascend into Heaven and leave her for several long years here on earth? Our hearts forbid us to entertain the thought. We feel sure that He frequently visits her, and that, when not visibly present with her, she has Him in her soul, in a way more intimate and real and delicious than any other creature could have.
No feast could have given expression to such a mystery, and yet the Holy Ghost who guides the spirit of the Church, has gradually led the faithful to devote to the honouring Mary in an special manner the entire Month of May, the whole of which comes, almost every year, under the glad season of Easter. No doubt, the loveliness of the May month would, some time or other, suggest the idea of consecrating it to the Holy Mother of God, but if we reflect on the divine and mysterious influence which guides the Church in all she does, we will recognise in this present instance a heavenly inspiration, which prompted the faithful to unite their own joy with that of Mary’s, and spend this beautiful month, which is radiant with their own Easter joy, in commemorating the maternal delight experienced during that same period by the Immaculate Mother when on Earth.
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Pope Paul VI wrote that “this is the month during which Christians, in their churches and their homes, offer the Virgin Mother more fervent and loving acts of homage and veneration; and it is the month in which a greater abundance of God's merciful gifts comes down to us from our Mother’s throne.”

How to make May spiritually fruitful? The recitation of the Holy Rosary and attendance at Holy Mass during the week are the most obvious and primary forms of special devotion, but there are others, such as those suggested by Don Gaspar Gili in his book The Month of Mary According to the Spirit of St Francis de Sales:

  • examine what is the principal passion that you will sacrifice to Mary during the course of the month, and the grace or virtue that you propose to obtain from God by recurring to her intercession. Do not fear to ask too much, she is the Mother of God, and our Mother also.
  • approach the holy Sacraments more frequently than usual during the month, and never leave the altar of Mary without having made a spiritual communion.
  • let no day pass, or, at least, no Saturday, without practising some mortification, sanctified and directed by obedience. Our devotion, however small, said Saint John Berchmans, is always pleasing to Mary, provided it be constant. But let us not forget that interior mortifications are the most perfect; such as to abstain from speaking or looking about without necessity, etc., because in such mortifications there is less danger of vain glory, and they attack our passions in the innermost depths of the heart.
  • endeavour also to become familiar with ejaculatory prayers to Mary. This kind of prayer, says Saint Francis of Sales, may supply for every other kind, but no other kind of prayer can supply for this. Spiritual exercises without aspirations are like a firmament without stars, or a tree without leaves.
  • conclude May by an offering of the heart to Jesus and Mary after Holy Communion. And that you may more securely persevere in the service of the best of all Mothers, let it be your care to renew your resolutions every Saturday, to examine in what manner you have kept them, and by a protestation of sorrow for past omissions, and a determination of greater fidelity for the future, to repair the failings of the week.
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Most august and Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Mother of God, glorious Queen of Heaven and Earth, powerful protectress of those who love you, and unfailing advocate of all who invoke you: look down, we beseech you, from your throne of glory on your devoted children.

Accept the solemn offering we present you of this month, specially dedicated to you, and receive our ardent, humble desire, that by our love and fervour we may worthily honour you, who, next to God, are deserving of all honour.

Receive us, Mother of Mercy, among your best beloved children. Extend to us your maternal tenderness and solicitude. Obtain for us a place in the Heart of Jesus and a special share in the gifts of His grace.

Deign, we beseech you, to recognise our claims on your protection, to watch over our spiritual and temporal interests, as well as those of all who are dear to us, to infuse into our souls the spirit of Christ and to teach us yourself to become meek, humble, charitable, patient and submissive to the will of God.

May our hearts burn with the love of your Divine Son, and of you, His Blessed Mother, not for a month alone, but for time and eternity. May we thirst for the promotion of His honour and yours, and contribute as far as we can to its extension.

Receive us, O Mary, the refuge of sinners. Grant us a mother's blessing and a mother's care now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.