On this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:
At Antioch, the holy prophet Agabus, of whom mention is made by St. Luke in the Acts of the Apostles.
At Ravenna, in the time of the emperor Decius and the governor Quinctian, the Saints Fusca, virgin, and her nurse, Maura, who endured many afflictions, were transpierced with a sword, and thus ended their martyrdom.
At Meletine in Armenia, in the persecution of the same Decius, St. Polyeuctus, martyr, who after many sufferings obtained the crown of martyrdom.
At Lyons, St. Julian, martyr.
At Todi, St. Benignus, martyr.
At Rome, Pope St. Gregory II, who strenuously opposed the impiety of Leo the Isaurian and sent St. Boniface to preach the Gospel in Germany.
At Angers, the demise of the holy bishop Lucinius, a man venerable for his sanctity.
At Lyons, St. Stephen, bishop and confessor.
At Rieti, the abbot St. Stephen, a man of wonderful patience at whose death, as is related by Pope St. Gregory, the holy angels were present and visible to all.
At Prato in Tuscany, St. Catherine de Ricci, a Florentine virgin, of the Order of St. Dominic, replenished with heavenly gifts, whom Pope Benedict XIV inscribed in the catalogue of holy virgins. She died rich in virtues and merits on the second of this month, but her festival is celebrated on this day.
And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.
Thanks be to God.