Sunday, 9 February 2025

9 FEBRUARY – SAINT APOLLONIA (Virgin and Martyr)

Apollonia was a virgin of Alexandria. In the persecution under the Emperor Decius, when she was far advanced in years, she was brought up to trial and ordered to pay adoration to idols. She turned from them with contempt, and declared that worship ought to be given to Jesus Christ, the true God. Whereupon the impious executioners broke and pulled out her teeth. Then, lighting a pile of wood, they threatened to burn her alive unless she would hate Christ and adore their gods. She replied that she was ready to suffer every kind of death for the faith of Jesus Christ. Upon this, they seized her, intending to do as they said. She stood for a moment, as though hesitating what she should do. Then, snatching herself from their hold, she suddenly threw herself into the fire, for there was within her the flame of the Holy Ghost. Her body was soon consumed, and her most pure soul took its flight and was graced with the everlasting crown of martyrdom in 249 AD.

Dom Prosper Guéranger:
The holy virgin who this day claims the homage of our devotion and praise is offered to us by the Church of Alexandria. Apollonia is a Martyr of Christ. Her name is celebrated and honoured throughout the whole world, and she comes to us on this ninth day of February to add her own example to that which we have so recently had from her sister Saints, Agatha and Dorothy. Like them, she bids us fight courageously for Heaven. To her this present life was a thing of little value, and no sooner does she receive God’s inspiration to sacrifice it than she does what her would-be executioners intended doing — she throws herself into the flames prepared for her. It is no unusual thing nowadays, for men that are wearied of the trials, or afraid of the humiliations, of this world, to take away their own lives and prefer suicide to the courageous performance of duty: but Apollonia’s motive for hastening her death by a moment’s anticipation was to testify her horror of the apostasy that was proposed to her. This is not the only instance we meet with during times of Persecution of the Holy Spirit’s inspiring this lavish sacrifice to saintly virgins who trembled for their faith or their virtue. It is true, such examples are rare, but they teach us, among other things, that our lives belong to God alone, and that we should be in a readiness of mind to give them to Him when and as He pleases to demand them of us. There is one very striking circumstance in the martyrdom of Saint Apollonia. Her executioners, to punish the boldness with which she confessed our Lord Jesus Christ, beat out her teeth. This has suggested to the faithful, when suffering the cruel pain of tooth-ache, to have recourse to Saint Apollonia, and their confidence is often rewarded, for God would have us seek the protection of His Saints, not only in our spiritual, but even in our bodily, sufferings and necessities.
What energy was yours, Apollonia! Your persecutors threaten you with fire, but far from fearing it, you are impatient for it as though it were a throne, and you ambitious to be queen. Your dread of sin took away the fear of death, nor did you wait for man to be your executioner. This your courage surprises our cowardice, and yet the burning pile into which you threw yourself when asked to apostatise, and which was a momentary pain leading your soul to eternal bliss, was nothing when we compare it with that everlasting fire to which the sinner condemns himself almost every day of his life. He heeds not the flames of Hell, and deems it no madness to purchase them at the price of some vile passing pleasure. And with all this worldlings can be scandalised at the Saints and call them exaggerated, extravagant, imprudent, because they believed that there is but one thing necessary! Awaken in our hearts, Apollonia, the fear of sin, which gnaws for eternity the souls of them who die with its guilt upon them. If the fire which had a charm for you seems to us the most frightful of tortures, let us turn our fear of suffering and death into a preservative against sin which plunges men into that abyss from which the smoke of their torments will ascend forever and ever (Apocalypse xiv. 11) as Saint John tells us in his Revelations. Have pity on us, most brave and prudent Martyr. Pray for sinners. Open their eyes to see the evils that threaten them. Get us the fear of God so that we may merit His mercies and begin in good earnest to love Him.
Also on this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:

At Alexandria, St. Cyril, bishop and Doctor of the Church. He is mentioned on the twenty-eighth of January.

At Rome, the passion of the holy martyrs Alexander, and thirty eight others crowned with him.

At Solum in Cyprus, the holy martyrs Ammonius and Alexander.

At Antioch, under the emperor Valerian, St. Nicephorus, martyr, who was beheaded and thus received the crown of martyrdom.

In Africa, in a village called Lemelis, the holy martyrs Primus and Donatus, deacons, who were killed by the Donatists for defending an altar in the church.

In the monastery of St. Vandrille, St. Ansbert, bishop of Rouen.

At Canossa in Apulia, of St. Sabinus, bishop and confessor.

And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.

Thanks be to God.