Thursday 25 July 2024


Christopher was a convert to Christianity, baptised by Saint Babylas of Antioch, and was martyred in the great persecution of Decius in 250 AD. It is believed that Christopher suffered in Lycia in Asia Minor. He was a popular saint during the Middle Ages, and around his memory grew many legends. The most beautiful is that he carried an unknown child across a ford, and was borne down by the child's weight, despite his huge stature and great strength. The child was Jesus, carrying in His hands the weight of the whole world. Saint Christopher is the patron of travellers.

Dom Prosper Guéranger:
The name of Christopher, whose memory enhances the solemnity of the son of thunder, signifies one who bears Christ. Christina yesterday reminded us that Christians ought to be in every place the good odour of Christ (2 Corinthians ii. 15). Christopher today puts us in mind that Christ truly dwells by faith in our hearts (Ephesians iii. 17). The graceful legend attached to his name is well known. As other men were, at a later date, to sanctify themselves in Spain by constructing roads and bridges to facilitate the approach of pilgrims to the tomb of Saint James, so Christopher in Lycia had vowed for the love of Christ to carry travellers on his strong shoulders across a dangerous torrent. Our Lord will say on the last day: “What you did to one of these my least brethren you did it to me.” One night, being awakened by the voice of a child asking to be carried across, Christopher hastened to perform his wonted task of charity when suddenly, in the midst of the surging and apparently trembling waves, the giant who had never stooped beneath the greatest weight was bent down under his burden, now grown heavier than the world itself. “Be not astonished,” said the mysterious child, “you bear him who bears the world.” And he disappeared, blessing his carrier and leaving him full of heavenly strength.
Christopher was crowned with martyrdom under Decius. The aid our fathers knew how to obtain from him against storms, demons, plague, accidents of all kinds, has caused him to be ranked among the saints called helpers. In many places the fruits of the orchards were blessed on this day under the common auspices of Saint Christopher and Saint James.
Also on this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:

At Barcelona in Spain, during the persecution of Diocletian and under the governor Dacian, the birthday of the holy martyr Cucuphas. After overcoming many torments, he was struck with the sword and thus went triumphantly to heaven.

In Palestine, St. Paul, a martyr, in the persecution of Maximian Galerius under the governor Firmilian. He was condemned to capital punishment, but having obtained a short respite to pray, he besought God with all his heart, first for his own countrymen, then for the Jews and Gentiles, that they might embrace the true faith, next for the multitude of the spectators, and finally for the judge who had condemned him and the executioner that was to strike him, after which he received the crown of martyrdom by being beheaded.

In the same country, St. Valentina, a virgin, who was led to an altar to offer sacrifice, but overturning it with her foot, she was cruelly tortured, and being cast into the fire with another virgin, her companion, she went to her spouse.

At Forcono in Abruzzo, the holy martyrs Florentius and Felix, natives of Sipontum.

At Cordova, St. Theodemirus, monk and martyr.

At Treves, St. Magnericus, bishop and confessor.

And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.

Thanks be to God.