Thursday 20 July 2023


Dom Prosper Guéranger:
This same day brings before us a rival of the warrior martyr, Saint George: Margaret, like him victorious over the dragon, and like him called in the Menaea of the Greeks, the Great Martyr. The cross was her weapon. And, like the soldier, the virgin too consummated her trial in her blood. They were equally renowned also in those chivalrous times when valour and faith fought hand in hand for Christ beneath the standard of the Saints. So early as the seventh century [England] rivalled the East in honouring the pearl drawn from the abyss of in fidelity. Before the disastrous schism brought about by King Henry VIII, the Island of Saints celebrated this feast as a double of the Second Class. Women alone were obliged to rest from servile work, in gratitude for the protection afforded them by Saint Margaret at the moment of child-birth — a favour which ranked her among the Saints called in the Middle Ages auxillatores or helpers. But it was not in England alone that Margaret was invoked, as history proves by the many and illustrious persons of all countries who have borne her blessed name. In Heaven, too, there is great festivity around the throne of Margaret. We learn this from such trustworthy witnesses as Saint Gertrude the Great and Saint Frances of Rome who, though divided by a century of time, were both by a special favour of their Divine Spouse, allowed while still on Earth to assist at this heavenly spectacle.
Also on this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:

On Mount Carmel, the holy prophet Elijah.

The same day, the birthday of blessed Joseph, surnamed the Just, whom the Apostles selected with blessed Matthias for the apostleship in the place of the traitor Judas. The lot having fallen on Matthias, Joseph, notwithstanding, continued to preach and to advance in virtue, and after having sustained from the Jews many persecutions for the faith of Christ, happily ended his life in Judea. It is related of him that having drunk poison, he received no injury from it because of his confidence in the Lord.

At Damascus, the holy martyrs Sabinus, Julian, Maximus, Macrobius, Cassia and Paula, with ten others.

At Cordova, St. Paul, deacon and martyr. For rebuking Muslim princes for their impiety and cruelty, and for preaching Christ courageously, he was put to death and went to his reward in heaven.

In Portugal, St. Wilgefortes, virgin and martyr, who merited the crown of martyrdom on a cross in defence of the faith and her chastity.

At Boulogne, in France, the abbot St. Wulmar, a man of admirable sanctity.

At Treves, St. Severa, virgin.

And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.

Thanks be to God.