On this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:
The bringing back of the Child Jesus from Egypt.
The same day, the birthday of blessed Lucian, a priest of the church of Antioch and martyr, who was distinguished for his learning and eloquence. He suffered at Nicomedia for the confession of Christ in the persecution of Galerius Maximian and was buried at Helenopolis in Bithynia. His praises have been proclaimed by St. John Chrysostom.
At Antioch, St. Clerus, deacon, who, for having professed faith in Christ, was seven times tortured, a long while kept in prison, and at length ended his martyrdom by decapitation.3
In the city of Heraclea, the holy martyrs Felix and Januarius.
The same day, St. Julian, martyr.
In Denmark, St. Canute, king and martyr. His feast is celebrated on the nineteenth of this month.5
At Pavia, St. Crispin, bishop and confessor.
In Dacia, St. Nicetas, bishop, who made fierce and barbarous nations humane and meek by preaching the Gospel to them.
In Egypt, St. Theodore, a saintly monk, who flourished in the time of Constantine the Great. He is mentioned by St. Athanasius in his Life of St. Anthony.
At Barcelona, St. Raymond of Pennafort, of the Order of Preachers, celebrated for sanctity and learning. His festival is kept on the twenty-third of this month.
And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.
Thanks be to God.