Monday 23 September 2024

23 SEPTEMBER – SAINT THECLA (Virgin and Martyr)

Dom Prosper Guéranger:

While honouring the first successor of Saint Peter, Rome commemorates the proto-martyr of the female sex. Together with holy Church, then, let us unite in the concert of praise unanimously lavished upon Thecla by the fathers of East and West. When the martyr pontiff Methodius gave his ‘Banquet of virgins’ to the Church about the end of the third century, it is on the brow of the virgin of Iconium that he placed the fairest of the crowns distributed at the banquet of the Spouse. And justly so, for had not Thecla been trained by Paul who had made her more learned in the Gospel than she was before in philosophy and every science? Heroism in her kept pace with knowledge. Her magnanimity of purpose was equalled by her courage while, strong in the virginal purity of her soul and body, she triumphed over fire, wild beasts and sea monsters, and won the glory of a triple martyrdom. A fresh triumph is hers at the mysterious banquet. Wisdom has taken possession of her, and, like a divine harp, makes music in her soul, which is echoed on her lips in words of wondrous eloquence and sublime poetry. When the feast is over, and the virgins rise to give thanks to the Lord, Thecla leads the chorus, singing:

For you, O Bridegroom, I keep myself pure, and with burning lamp I come to meet you.

I have fled from the bitter pleasures of mortals and the luxurious delights of life and its love. Under your life-giving arms I desire to be protected and to gaze forever on your beauty, O blessed One.

For you, O Bridegroom, I keep myself pure, and with burning lamp I come to meet you.

I have contemned union with mortal man. I have left my golden home for you, O King. I have come in undefiled robes, that I may enter with you into your happy bridal chamber.

For you, O Bridegroom, I keep myself pure, and, with burning lamp I come to meet you.

Having escaped the enchanting wiles of the serpent and triumphed over the flaming fire and the attacks of wild beasts, I await you from Heaven.

For you, O Bridegroom, I keep myself pure, and with burning lamp I come to meet you.

Through love of you, O Word, I have forgotten the land of my birth. I have forgotten the virgins my companions, and even the desire of mother and of kindred, for you, O Christ, are all things to me.

For you, O Bridegroom, I keep myself pure, and with burning lamp I come to meet you.

Also on this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:

In Campania, the commemoration of blessed Sosius, deacon of the church of Misenum. The holy bishop Januarius, seeing a flame arise from his head as he was reading the Gospel in the church, foretold that he would be a martyr, and not many days after, when he was thirty years of age, he and the holy bishop suffered martyrdom by decapitation.

In Africa, the holy martyrs Andrew, John, Peter and Anthony.

In the diocese of Coutances, St. Paternus, bishop and martyr.

At Ancona, St. Constantius, sacristan of the Church, renowned for the gift of miracles.

In Spain, the holy women Xantippa and Polyxena, who were disciples of the Apostles.

And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.

Thanks be to God.