Thursday 5 September 2024


Laurence was born at Venice of the illustrious family of the Justiniani, and while still a child was remarkable for the seriousness of his character. He spent his youth in exercises of piety, and then being attracted by divine Wisdom to the chaste espousals of the Word and the soul, he began to think of embracing a religious state. As a prelude to this new warfare he secretly undertook many bodily austerities, such as sleeping upon bare boards. Sitting, as it were, as judge, he placed the pleasures of the world and the marriage prepared for him by his mother on the one hand, and on the other the austerities of the cloister. Then casting his eyes on an image of Christ crucified, he said: “You, O Lord, are my hope: there you have placed your most secure refuge,” and he went to the congregation of Canons of Saint George in Alga. Here he invented fresh torments, and waged war with even more vehemence than before, against himself, as if against his greatest enemy. So far from allowing himself the least gratification, he would never set foot in the garden belonging to his family nor in his paternal home, except when without a tear he performed the last offices of piety towards his dying mother. He was equally zealous in the practice of obedience, meekness and especially of humility.

He would choose of his own accord the humblest duties of the monastery, and begged his bread in the most crowded parts of the town, seeking rather mockery than alms. He bore insults and calumnies unmoved and in silence. His great support was assiduous prayer, in which he was often rapt in God in ecstasy. The love of God burnt so brightly in his heart that it kindled a like ardour in the hearts of his companions and encouraged them to perseverance. Eugenius IV appointed him bishop of his native city. He made great efforts to decline the dignity, but when obliged to accept it, he so discharged its obligations as to win the praise of all. He changed no thing of his former manner of life, practising holy poverty, as he had ever done, in what regarded his table, his bed and his furniture. He kept but few persons in his house or service, for he used to say that he had another large family, meaning Christ’s poor. Every one had free access to him at any hour. He helped and consoled all with fatherly charity, even burdening himself with debts in order to relieve the necessitous.

When he was asked on whose help be counted in such cases, he answered: “On my Lord’s help, and He can easily pay for me.” And divine Providence always justified his confidence by sending him help in the most unexpected manner. He built many monasteries for nuns, whom he trained with great vigilance to the life of perfection. He devoted himself zealously to withdrawing the ladies of Venice from worldly pomp and vanity of dress, and to the reformation of ecclesiastical discipline and Christian morals. Thus he truly deserved the title of ‘honour and glory of prelates,’ which Eugenius IV applied to him in presence of the cardinals. Nicholas V, the next Pope, translated the Patriarchiate from the See of Grado to that of Venice, and proclaimed him first Patriarch. He was honoured with the gift of tears, and daily offered to almighty God the Victim of propitiation. Once when saying Mass on the night of our Lord’s Nativity he saw Christ Jesus under the form of a most beautiful Infant. Great was his care for the flock entrusted to him, and on one occasion it was revealed by Heaven that Venice owed its safety to its pontiff’s prayers and merits. Filled with the spirit of prophecy, he foretold many events which no human mind could have foreseen, while his prayers often put the devils to flight and healed diseases. Though he had made but little study of letters, he wrote books full of heavenly doctrine and piety.

When his last illness came on, his servants prepared a more comfortable bed for him on account of his sickness and old age. But he, shrinking from such a luxury which was too unlike his Lord’s hard death-bed, the cross, bade them lay him on his usual couch. Knowing the end of his life had come, he raised his eyes to heaven, and saying “I come to you, O good Jesus!” he fell asleep in the Lord on the eighth of January. The holiness of his death was attested by angelic harmonies heard by several Carthusian monks, as also by the state of his body, which during the two months that it lay unburied, remained whole and inoorrupt, of a lively colour and breathing a sweet fragrance. Other miracles, worked after his death, also gave proof of his sanctity, on which account, Pope Alexander VIII enrolled him among the saints. Innocent XII assigned for his feast the fifth of September, on which day the holy man had been raised to the pontifical dignity.

Dom Prosper Guéranger:
“Come, all ye who are drawn by the desire of unchangeable good, and who seek it in vain in this passing world. I will tell you what Heaven has done for me. Like you, I once sought with feverish eagerness, and this exterior world could not satisfy my burning desire. But, by the divine grace which fed my anguish, at length she, whose name I then knew not, appeared to me, more beautiful than the sun, sweeter than balm. As she approached, how gentle was her countenance, how peace-inspiring her voice, saying to me: ‘O thou, whose youth is all full of the love with which I inspire you, why do you thus pour out your heart? The peace you seek by so many different ways, is with me. Your desire will be amply fulfilled, I promise you, if only you wilt take me for your bride.’ I acknowledge that at these words my heart failed, my soul was all pierced with the dart of her love. As I wished to know her name, her dignity, her origin, she told me she was called the wisdom of God and that, at first invisible in the bosom of the Father, she had taken of a mother a visible nature, in order to be more easily loved. Then, with great delight, I gave my consent and she, kissing me, departed full of joy. Ever since then, the flame of her love has been growing with in me, absorbing all my thoughts. Her delights endure forever. She is my well-beloved bride, my inseparable companion. Through her, the peace I once sought is now the cause of my joy. Hear me then, all of you: go to her in like manner, for she makes it her happiness to reject no-one” (Laurence Justiniani, Fasciculus amoris, cap. xvi.)
“O Wisdom, who sits on your lofty throne. O Word, by whom all things were made, be propitious to me, in this manifestation of the secrets of your holy love.” Such, O Laurence, was your prayer when, fearing to be responsible for the hidden talent, if you should keep to yourself what might profit others, you resolve to make known august mysteries. We thank you for having given us to share in these heavenly secrets. By the reading of your devout works, and by your intercession with God, draw us to the heights of holiness, like the purified flame which can but mount upwards. Man falls from his inborn nobility if he seeks rest in anything save Him to whose image he is made. All things here below are reflections of God’s eternal beauty. They teach us to love Him, and help us to sing our love. What delights were yours on those lofty summits of charity so near to Heaven, which are to be reached by the paths of truth, i.e. the virtues. It is indeed your own portrait you draw, when you say of the soul admitted to ineffable intimacy with the Wisdom of the Father: ‘All things are profitable to her. Whichever way she turns, she perceives but the gleams of love. Sights and sounds, sweetnesses and perfumes, delicate viands, concerts of earth, brightness of the skies: all that she hears, all that she sees in the whole of nature, is a nuptial harmony, the beauty of the banquet in which the Word has espoused her.” Oh! may we walk, like you, by the light of God, live in desire and in union, love ever more and more, that ever more and more we may be loved!
Also on this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:

In the suburbs of Rome, blessed Victorinus, bishop and martyr, in the time of Nerva Trajan. Being renowned for sanctity and miracles, he was elected bishop of Amiterno by the whole people, but afterwards he was banished, with other servants of God, to Contigliano where foetid sulphurous waters spring forth, and was suspended with his head downward by order of the judge Aurelian. Having for the name of Christ endured this torment for three days, he was gloriously crowned and went victoriously to our Lord. His body was taken away by Christians and buried with due honours at Amiterno.

At Porto, the birthday of St. Herculanus, martyr.

At Capua, the holy martyrs Quinctius, Arcontius and Donatus.

The same day, St. Romulus, prefect of Trajan’s court. For reproving the cruelty of the emperor towards Christians he was scourged with rods and beheaded.

At Melitine in Armenia, the martyrdom of the holy soldiers Eudoxius, Zeno, Macarius and their companions to the number of eleven hundred and four, who threw away their military belts and were put to death for the confession of Christ in the persecution of Diocletian.

At Constantinople, the holy martyrs Urbanus, Theodore, Menedemus, and their ecclesiastical companions, seventy-seven in number, who were put in a ship by the command of the emperor Valens and burned on the sea for the Catholic faith.

In the neighbourhood of Terouanne, in the monastery of Sithiu, St. Bertin, abbot.

At Toledo, St. Obdulia, virgin.

And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.

Thanks be to God.