Wednesday 11 September 2024


Protase and Gervase were brothers and the sons of the martyrs Saint Vitalis and Saint Valeria. They are Christian heroes who have ever been held in high honour in the Western Church. Saint Ambrose styled them the Proto-Martyrs of Milan, where they were scourged and beheaded in the first century A.D., either under Nero or Domitian. Many miracles illustrated the discovery and translation of their relics by Saint Ambrose, towards the close of the fourth century. They now repose at Milan in the Ambrosian Basilica and are patron saints of the city.

Also on this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:

At Rome, in the Cemetery of Basilla, on the old Via Salaria, the birthday of the holy martyrs Protus and Hyacinth, brothers and eunuchs in the service of blessed Eugenia, who were arrested in the time of the emperor Gallienus on the charge of being Christians, and urged to offer sacrifice to the gods. But as they refused, both were most severely scourged and finally beheaded.

At Laodicea, in Syria, the martyrdom of the Saints Diodorus, Diomedes and Didimus.

At Leon in Spain, St. Vincent, abbot and martyr.

In Egypt, the holy bishop Paphnutius, one of those confessors, who, under the emperor Galerius Maximinus, having their right eye plucked out and the joint of the left knee cut, were condemned to work in the metal mines. Afterwards, under Constantine the Great, he courageously combated for the Catholic faith against the Arians, and at length, being adorned with many crowns, rested in peace.

At Lyons, the demise of St. Patiens, bishop.

At Vercelli, St. Æmilian, bishop.

At Alexandria, St. Theodora, who having committed a fault through imprudence and repenting of it, remained unknown in a religious habit, and persevered until her death in practices of extraordinary abstinence and patience.

And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.

Thanks be to God.