Tuesday 10 September 2024


Nicholas, called of Tolentino as he lived a long time in that city, was born at the town of Sant’Angelo in the Marches of Ancona in 1246. His pious parents, desirous of having children, went to Bari in fulfilment of a vow. There they were assured by Saint Nicholas that they should have a son, whom they therefore called by that saint’s name. From his infancy he was admirable for his virtues, especially for his abstinence. For, when only seven years old he began, in imitation of Saint Nicholas, to fast several days a week, which custom he afterwards kept up, contenting himself with bread and water. While still young he was enrolled in the ranks of the clergy and made a canon but one day, hearing a sermon on contempt of the world preached by one the hermits of Saint Augustine, he was so struck by it that he immediately joined that Order. As a religious he led a perfect life, subduing his body by rough garments, disciplines and iron chains; abstaining from meat and almost every kind of nourishment; and showing a bright example to others by his charity, humility, patience and other virtues. Very great was his love of prayer, in which he never relaxed, although Satan troubled him in various ways and at times scourged him severely. For six months before his death he heard every night the songs of the angels: a foretaste of heavenly delights which caused him frequently to repeat that saying of the apostle: “I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ.” He foretold to his brethren the day of his death, which was the fourth of the Ides of September 1310. Both before and after death he was famous for miracles, which having been duly proved, he was enrolled among the saints by Pope Eugenius IV.

Dom Prosper Gueranger:
Today the infant Mary smiles on the lily offered her in her cradle by the representative of a great Order. The hermits of Saint Augustine were being grouped and organised by the Vicar of Christ when Nicholas was admitted into their family, of which he was soon to become the thaumaturgus. When he died in 1305 the Roman Pontiffs were beginning their exile at Avignon, and his canonisation, deferred for nearly a century and a half through the troubles of the period, marked the close of the lamentable dissensions which followed that exile. Peace so long lost — peace, of which even the wisest despaired — such was the ardent prayer, the solemn adjuration of Eugenius IV when, towards the close of his laborious pontificate, he committed the cause of the Church to the humble servant of God placed by him on her altars. According to the testimony of Sixtus V, the obtaining of this peace was the greatest of Nicholas’s miracles — a miracle which moved the latter Pontiff to order the celebration of the saint’s feast as a double at a time when days of that rank were much rarer on the calendar than now.
Good and faithful servant, you have entered into the joy of your Lord. He has broken your bonds, and from Heaven where you are now reigning, you repeat to us those words which determined the sanctity of your life on Earth: “Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world. For the world passes away, and the concupiscence thereof” (1 John ii. 15, 17). How much a man thus forgetful of Earth can do for his fellow-men, is evinced by the gift you received of solacing all the miseries around you, and succouring the souls in Purgatory. The successor of Saint Peter was not deceived when in ranking you among the saints he counted on your power in Heaven to bring back society from its long continued state of disturbance to the paths of peace. May that word of the beloved disciple which you have just echoed to us sink into our souls as a seed of salvation, and there yield the fruits that it produced in you: detachment from all temporal things and a longing for eternal realities, that humble simplicity of the soul’s eye which makes life a peaceful journey towards God, and lastly that purity which made you the friend of angels and the favourite of Mary.
Also on this day according to the ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:

In Africa, the birthday of the holy bishops Nemesian, Felix, Lucius, another Felix, Litteus, Polyan, Victor, Jader, Dativus and others. As a violent persecution was breaking out under Valerian and Gallienus, they were at their first courageous confession of Christ beaten with rods, then put in irons, and being sent to dig in the metal mines, they terminated their combat and glorious confession.

At Chalcedon, in the persecution of Diocletian, the holy martyrs Sosthenes and Victor. Under Priscus, proconsul of Asia, after they had been loaded with fetters and exposed to the beasts, they were condemned to be burned. But while they were saluting each other with a holy kiss and praying, they expired.

In Bithynia, the holy virgins Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora, sisters. Under the emperor Maximian and the governor Fronto they were crowned with martyrdom and went to eternal glory.

Also the holy martyrs Apellius, Luke and Clement.

At Liege in Belgium, St. Theodard, bishop and martyr, who laid down his life for his flock, and after his death was renowned for the gift of miracles.

At Rome, blessed Hilary, pope and confessor.

At Compostella, St. Peter, bishop, who was celebrated for his many virtues and miracles.

In the city of Albi, St. Salvius, bishop and confessor.

At Novara, St. Agapius, bishop.

At Constantinople, St. Pulcheria, empress and virgin, distinguished by her piety and zeal for religion.

And in other places, many other holy martyrs, confessors and virgins.

Thanks be to God.