Thursday 11 July 2024

11 JULY – SAINT PIUS I (Pope and Martyr)

Pius I, the first of this name, was a citizen of Aquileia and the son of the priest Rufinus. He succeeded Saint Hyginus to the See of Peter in about 140 AD and governed the Church during the reigns of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. He ordered the feast of Easter to be observed on a Sunday. It was Pius I who transformed the house of Senator Pudens into a church, and because it surpassed other titles in order of dignity as Peter and other Popes had dwelt there, he consecrated it under the title of Pastor. Pius endured much hardship during his pontificate. He opposed the heretical Valentinians and Gnostics and excommunicated Marcion of Sinope, a bishop who taught that the God of the Old Testament was inferior to the God of the New Testament. Pius died in about 167 AD.

Dom Prosper Guéranger:
A holy Pope of the second century, the first of the nine until graced with the name of Pius, rejoices us today with his mild and gentle light. Although Christian society was in a precarious condition under the edicts of persecution, which even the best of the pagan emperors never abrogated, our Saint profited by the comparative peace enjoyed by the Church under Antoninus Pius to strengthen the foundations of the mysterious tower raised by the divine Shepherd to the honour of the Lord God. He ordained by his supreme authority that, notwithstanding the contrary custom observed in certain places, the feast of Easter should be celebrated on a Sunday throughout the entire Church. The importance of this measure and its effects on the whole Church will be brought before us on the feast of Saint Victor who succeeded Pius at the close of the century.
The ancient legend of Saint Pius I which has lately been altered, made mention of the decree attributed in the Corpus Juris to our Pontiff concerning those who should carelessly let fall any portion of the Precious Blood of our Lord. The prescriptions are such as evince the profound reverence the Pope would have to be shown towards the Mystery of the Altar. The penance enjoined is to be of forty days if the Precious Blood have fallen to the ground, and wherever It fell, It must if possible be taken up with the lips, the dust must be burned, and the ashes of it thrown into a consecrated place.
We call to mind, O glorious Pontiff, those words written under your eye, which seem to be a commentary on your decree concerning the Sacred Mysteries: “We receive not,” cried Justin the Philosopher to the world of that second century: “We receive not as common bread, nor as common drink, the food which we call the Eucharist; but just as Jesus Christ our Saviour, being made flesh by the word of God, had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so have we been taught that the food made Eucharist by the prayer formed of His own word, is both the Flesh and the Blood of this Jesus who is made flesh” (Apologia. i. 66.). This doctrine, and the measures it so fully justifies, found towards the close of the same century other authentic witnesses who, in their turn, would almost seem to be quoting from the prescriptions at tributed to you. “We are in the greatest distress,” said Tertullian, “if the least drop from our chalice, or the least crumb of our Bread fall to the ground” (De Corona iii). And Origen appealed to the initiated to bear witness to “the care and veneration with which the sacred gifts were surrounded, for fear the smallest particle should fall which, if it happened through negligence, would be considered a crime” (In Ex. Homil. xiii). And yet in our days heresy, as destitute of knowledge as of faith, pretends that the Church has departed from her ancient traditions by paying exaggerated homage to the divine Sacrament. Obtain for us, O Pius, the grace to return to the spirit of our fathers: not indeed with regard to their faith, for that we have kept inviolate, but as to the veneration and love with which that faith inspired them for the Chalice of Inebriation, that richest treasure of earth. May the Pasch of the Lamb unite, as you desired, in one uniform celebration, all who have the honour to bear the name of Christian!