Sunday 28 April 2024


In 1725 Paolo Francesco Danei (1694–1775) visited Rome and obtained the permission of Pope Benedict XIII to form the Congregation of the Passion. In 1741 Pope Benedict XIV approved its rules and in 1769 Pope Clement XIV confirmed the rules and approved the Congregation, which is popularly known as the ‘Passionists’ and whose main object is “to keep alive forever in the hearts and minds of the faithful a memory of the Passion of our Lord.” Pope Clement XIV gave the Basilica of Saints Paul and John in Rome, and its adjacent house, to the Congregation. Paolo Francesco Danei, who was beatified in 1852 and was canonised in 1867, is known to the world as Saint Paul of the Cross.

The Passionists wear a black habit, with a belt of leather and Rosary beads around the waist. On their black cloak and on the left breast is a white heart, three nails, and the words JESU CHRISTI PASSIO crowned with a cross. The Congregation of the Passion is a mendicant order, which has no endowments or property, either in private or in common, other than their houses and the land attached to each. They depend on their labours and on the charity of Catholic people. Members take the usual three religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and the purpose of the order is the sanctification of its members, and the sanctification of others, to be achieved by practising and promoting devotion to the Passion of Our Lord.